Athlete Performance provides services to a spectrum of athletes across all ages. Our
goal is to optimize the development of our athletes' performance levels throughout their training programs. Athlete Performance has athletes as young as 8 years old and we have adopted the Long- Term Athlete Development (LTAD) model to ensure that our programs and services are going to improve all markers of health and wellness as youth athletes continue to mature into adulthood, as well as adolescent athletes maturing into adulthood.

There are seven essential components of LTAD
Active Start
Learn to Train
Train to Train
Train to Compete
Train to Win
Active for Life
The athletes at AP flow in and out of most of these components (Balyi et al., 2013).
#1 - Active Start
When athletes join the AP family and dedicate themselves to beginning to train it is important to our Coaches to educate them on ‘why’ by discussing their long-term goals. Once our athletes develop long term goals, it is our responsibility to make training fun and educational.
#2 - FUNdamentals
We practice this by ensuring that our athletes understand the basic movement patterns, how their training in the gym transfers to sport performance. Our coaches consider every aspect of the athlete when going through the fundamentals, so they actually learn how to properly move their bodies in ways that promote health and wellness.
#3 - Learn to Train
By teaching the athletes all the fundamentals we can then teach them how to train. AP staff teaches all the ins and outs of training, programming, agility, movement patterns in simple ways that any age group can understand. Athletes should know and understand what they are doing and why they are doing it so that they are more invested in their goals and achieving them.
#4 - Train to Train
Athlete Performance believes and teaches athletes to train hard, smart and consistent which is our way to hopefully keep athletes motivated and invested in their programs at AP.
#5 - Train to Compete
Many of the athletes at Athlete Performance are currently competing and we need to ensure that they understand that the work they put in is what they will get out when competing.
#6 - Train to Win
We teach our athletes to train to win, and we provide all the tools to allow our athletes to achieve success within their sports.
#7 - Active for Life
Athlete Performance is a place that works with all ages, and we pride ourselves on changing the lives of athletes of all ages. LTAD works in a way that even our adult training programs teach people how important training is. We work with all ages, goals, sports, and we provide services to ensure success. We take into consideration all aspects of our athletes, their maturational levels, chronological ages, training ages, stage of development, and program accordingly to achieve goals.
Athlete Performance is a company that is dedicated to providing strength training and teaching the fundamentals of performance. We coach in a way that simplifies the science of what our bodies are capable of achieving and we work HARD to put in the work that LTAD requires. Training is a long and slow process when done correctly, but training for good results takes time. We teach our athletes to train hard, train smart, and train consistently, we have the advantage.